Small and Medium-sized Companies and Associations

As a small or medium-sized company, you look for legal advice in developing your strategy and effective legal support for your business (key words: Contracts / GTC (General Terms & Conditions), Cooperation, Communication) for your internal concerns (key words: Corporate (Re-) Organization, Personnel, Social Security) difficulties with contract partners and for your succession process. You expect uncomplicated, quick access to us as well as knowledge about your company and its procedures.

As an association, you assume that we are familiar with your structure. This also includes understanding of an organization within an umbrella association with sections and interfaces. You would like legal support in your everyday business transactions (key words: Organization, Public Relations Work, Member Loyalty and Acquisition, Contracts), and for your administration as well (key words: Personnel, Information Technology).

As a service for your company, your association itself or for its members, you are looking for outside legal services for everyday matters. With our many years of experience in this area, we provide personal consulting and practical support in all legal matters. Please contact us regarding an individual case or enter into a blanket agreement with us for your legal service needs.